I'm an addict

I'm mainlining data multiple times a day. It's got to stop. But the good news is that I'm going to be on Substack more over the next 3 weeks. I just need to stop check the stats.

I’m an addict.

I can’t carry on like this.

Confession: This is the habit I’m trying to break.

Starting this weekend, I’m going on a 21-day detox to reset my relationship with my YouTube analytics.

Yes, data are important, but I am obsessing too much about this.

So, I’m deleting the YouTube Studio app from my phone for 3 weeks to reset that relationship.

Deleting off my iPad? Done. And that tab on my MacBook goes too.

And I’m going to create content that makes me smile, and hopefully my audience too.

I’ll check the data in 3 weeks.

I mean, what the worst that can happen?

The best thing, is that I no longer have this ‘what if’ cloud hanging over me on an hourly basis.

Let’s see what happens.

What unhealthy relationship with data do you have in your life?

And how are you trying to manage that?

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